So many activities... well, not really.
Since the last time you joined me, a lot but not a lot has happened. If that makes sense. Training has been pretty intense. We have actually done quite a bit of running. Though most of it involves a ball. My trainer Mike LeGates once told me, "I could get you to run to China if there's a shot waiting at the end of it." Pretty true.
So there's that.
I have made several feline friends including a neighborhood filled with cats, which is amazing, and a Bernese Mountain dog that lives behind us. His name is Elvis. And he rocks.
I told you a lot has happened!
I purchased what I thought was macaroni and cheese but actually turned out to be macaroni and WTF is this shit. That got thrown out. Then I had to bike to the gas station to get an oven-ready pizza. Failed dinner. So I drank a cider and went to bed.
Let's see. Oh. We went to the town swimming pool. Lydia and I. And I will definitely take pictures next time, because it's a beautiful place. With a freakin water slide. And no sharks. Which I'm pumped about.
Today we're going to do a coaching appearance for a club an hour away, which will be interesting because I'm sure not many of these kids have been coached in english before. And of course never by the wonderful Ocho of the U.S. Will for sure be updating about that.
For now I will leave you with this bit of info:
Landlyst 8 Box 151 9800 Hjørring Danmark
This is the club's address. If you care about me, this is where the presents should be sent.
Lastly, I'm reading Tuesdays With Morrie right now. Yes, for the first time. Fantastic book so far with a lot of great messages. My favorite though: "Let love in" - it's okay to have walls. But make sure they're made of cardboard.
Ciao for now my little brown cows.